[ Video cameras are constantly evolving so its crucial to use the right camera for each particular project. One camera does not do everything perfectly ]
A large sensor camera with very shallow depth of field and one that does not work well on the shoulder probably would not be a good choice for a fast moving ENG shoot. And on the other hand an ENG camera that is good hand held but with a smaller sensor may not give the best and most cinematic images.
For a more cinematic filmic look, we have the new Sony FS7 Super 35mm sensor camera that shoots HD and even 4K in camera as well as the Sony FS700 Super 35mm sensor camera that also shoots high speed up to 240 frames per second in full HD.We also have the Sony full frame A7s which is a small full frame HDSLR that can be used as a second unit camera or when you don’t want to attract attention with a larger video camera. We have a variety of lenses and accessories with our large sensor cameras.
Our Sony PXW 180 cameras shoot full 50mb 422 HD video and have 25X optical zoom lenses so they are great for live events, news and informational shows, web content, multi camera shoots, meetings and seminars.
For pure run and gun on the shoulder shooting, we also have our Panasonic HPX 300 P2 HD camera. It has a 17X servo zoom lens and also records in the AVC Intra codecs.
We also have the Go Pro Hero 3 with WiFi control for shooting action stuff or in vehicles or just when you need a super wide angle.
All production packages come with a small monitor, small light kit made up of a combination of Arri lights, Kino flos, and Lite Panel bi-color lights, ac cables, batteries, dimmers, gels, tripod, and include a small grip package.
Our sound people come with stereo mixers with multiple inputs, hand mike, at east 2 wireless mikes, boom mike and many can also provide separate sound files after the shoot.
We can also provide additional equipment such as green screens, lighting and grip trucks, external recorders, larger monitors, teleprompters, sliders, dolly, jibs,etc. Just inquire.
We are not a rental house and take immaculate care of all of our equipment.
Each shoot is different so we will discuss each shoot ‘s technical and creative requirements to determine if any additional equipment might be recommended. And at all times, we will work hard to accommodate your budget!